Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Food For Thought : Popping is like driving

Hey guys, its been awhile...anyway just wanted to share a thought i had the other day.

I was teaching poppin class and while i was trying to find a good way to explain why we pop, i came across this "metaphor".

Well, when u are dancing, its like driving a car. You are driving along the highway which is the music. And on this highway(of music), you come across many humps along the road. These humps are your drumbeats aka Pops. So as a car, you drive on continuously until u hit a hump on the road, and then resume your driving. You dont purposely plan to stop every 10 secs to meet a hump, you just drive and let the hump come naturally.

So its the same with popping. While u dance, the drumbeats/snare comes naturally along. You let the beats affect you and make you pop. You dont plan to pop. You dont plan to pop at say every 2 counts or 4 counts. You just do it, you react to the sound of the pop....all the while dancing. So sometimes u pop at this count, sometimes that, sometimes in between movements. It gives u the ability to really dance, while still having pops.

So always imagine yourself driving along the highway and meet humps as u go. Dont plan for humps :):)

And final note, as always, eat food for thought in moderation :)


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Anonymous joshee said...

'eat food for thought in moderation'. i like! :D

August 6, 2010 at 8:36 AM


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