Bobby aka Mileage (Elite Force Crew)
Sup guys!
Like i mentioned to you last week...
i was in Osaka and i met a whole bunch of people, namely, the whole WCO crew, Buddha Stretch (EFC), Mileage (EFC), Mr. Wiggles, Onion (PI), JeDi.NiCe (PI), Katalyst (PI).
i also watched Japan Dance Delight Vol. 15.
it was a really great experience, getting to hear MC USK's voice live, and to experience the whole show. it was 10 hours long, i gotta say.
GLASS HOPPER + PINOCCHIO took the champion trophy,
followed by Repoll:FX,
and in 3rd place was Dedson & Stephanie (from France).
this time around, there were a total of 3 Special Prizes. I think it's the first time in Dance Delight history where there are 3 Special Prizes given.
they went to: Bottom Bounce, Rm Sister and Mortal Combat.
one of my favourites was Shuffle!, but they didnt win a prize. they did a beautiful and very, very entertaining routine to Relight My Fire.
anyways, here's the main point of the post.
after taking his workshop, i managed to steal Mileage for a couple of minutes and here's the result:
Hey good job getting all the overseas interviews.:)
I must say though that a lot of critics that he pass on the LA dance scene are hugely debatable and assumptous.
I've been to LA recently and those guys there are dope.
September 2, 2008 at 9:38 AM
yeah, you're right, it's hugely debatable but he did say that it's his opinion and it's what he feels is the difference between the two...
i respect both sides, and i respect him alot too.
September 2, 2008 at 11:06 AM
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September 2, 2008 at 4:38 PM
Its good to hear what some of you guys think. Please remember this is a dance portal for the dance community, do share with the others as well! Dont just read :) More comments!!!! haha... and for my opinion, Mileage was right in his way of distinguishing LA style and NY style. The only debatable issue is how "extreme" or how true his description was. Both styles are indeed 2 different "ways" to dance to somewhat similiar music (hip hop music is too broad). So i guess we can only debate on the degree or extent of LA style or NY style.Will blog soon about this topic!
September 2, 2008 at 8:48 PM
I agree with his mention about the element of street Jazz that is evident in a lot of LA choreography. It is apparent not just in the style but in the way they read the music. There are plenty of sharp definitive accents (when hitting the snares)interluded by more flowing movement to interpret both melody and words. But to say LA dancers rarely use their feet and do nothing but posing is going a mile off.:)
September 3, 2008 at 2:02 AM
I managed to record a discussion between Stretch and Sebastien in Seoul that if u listen real close, tells u a lot about Hip Hop Dance.
Remember, Hip Hop has many dances inside it.
'jukin,' 'happy feet, the walk it out, the toe hop, the roger rabbit...
If someone says they are Hip Hop dancer without knowing the names of the steps, its not coming correct.
Dancers should know names and know which dance steps are to which kind of records.
YOu Tube "Mop Top" and watch some old hip hop dance videos from 1980s and 1990s, that is real hip hop feeling. What Bobby means is in these videos. And then contrast this style to Chris Brown clips.
September 4, 2008 at 6:10 AM
Well I guess hip hop has become such a huge word or rather a huge umbrella. What I guess is that LA style is coming more from an R&B perspective of hiphop and the raw or old school hiphop has evolved newstyle which is more of the free dance/groove kinda feeling.
September 7, 2008 at 10:11 PM
LA : R&B/street jazz
NY :Groove/ freestyle.
Think its best showed on youtube:)
September 8, 2008 at 11:15 AM
Yo Byrin
dope digging to find a really good example of what Bobby was saying!
@Caleb: you should post up these clips on the main page for comparison!
September 8, 2008 at 8:52 PM
whoa good stuff Byrin!!
i've seen these clips before but i didnt even think of comparing them side by side!
September 10, 2008 at 3:17 AM
Haha. No prob, its nice to share thoughts and material with fellow hiphop enthusiasts!
I guess whichever style that one prefers has a lot to do with factors like, preference of music, dance backgrd, body type...etc Some pple like both extremes, and thats cool too.
Personally, I'm very much more in to the LA style, at least for now.:)
September 10, 2008 at 10:59 AM
Haha. No prob, its nice to share thoughts and material with fellow hiphop enthusiasts!
I guess whichever style that one prefers has a lot to do with factors like, preference of music, dance backgrd, body type...etc Some pple like both extremes, and thats cool too.
Personally, I'm very much more in to the LA style, at least for now.:)
September 10, 2008 at 11:00 AM
EFC / Mop Top have alot of knowledge and they want this and following generations of hiphoppers to be the real thing and not posers.
I support Bobby's interview the whole way. It's up to us to spread this knowledge with new and upcoming dancers that LA /Commercial style is not the main style of hiphop... (Sorry I really should have said street jazz).
I saw Japan Dance Delight too, but was unfortunately not able to catch Tony Gogo's or Ejoes workshops in Osaka let alone Bobbys or anyone elses. Bad timing.
koreasingaporedanceproject said...
If someone says they are Hip Hop dancer without knowing the names of the steps, its not coming correct.
Dancers should know names and know which dance steps are to which kind of records.
And every dancer should learn to dance soul. How can you dance hiphop, if you have no soul?
Soul is about feeling the music. Where do you think elements of hiphop came from! Suns of JB baby!
Know your history. Respect the pioneers. Learn and share the gift of true hiphop.
Real hiphop lives in NY.
October 8, 2008 at 5:49 AM
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